Recovery Park

The Benefits

Environmental Benefits

Reduce Landfill

In England, there has been an increase in waste going to landfill, which is the most harmful environmental solution for our waste. This waste is a valuable resource which, when processed through this facility, will generate a low-carbon source of electricity and heat.

  • It will help to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill or exported overseas for disposal.
  • The Swadlincote Resource Recovery Park means we will divert up to 98% of the waste brought to the site away from landfill.
  • By using local waste this will further reduce transport costs and emissions and the opportunity to use sewage sludge from the adjacent water treatment plant would further reduce vehicle movements.

Tackle Climate Change

By using our waste to generate clean power we can

  • Reduce carbon emissions – avoiding methane gases generated in landfill which are 20 -30 times more harmful to our atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide.
  • Reducing transportation distances and the carbon emissions from this traffic.
  • Meet local energy needs and increase security of UK energy supply.
  • Support Derbyshire’s Economic Strategy Statement – helping to deliver low-carbon energy solution.

Secure supply of UK energy

This is an opportunity to increase regional energy independence and diversify from variable sources of green energy (wind and solar)

  • This is a sustainable source of low-carbon heat and power generation capacity.
  • The Facility will produce enough electricity to power 36,800 homes each year.
  • This is a reliable source of baseload power generation, with the facility running 24/7 regardless of whether the sun is shining or wind is blowing.

Economic Benefits

R&P Clean Power Limited intends to remain a long-term partner to the project, overseeing construction and ongoing asset management of the facility to ensure a successful outcome. It would be upwards of around £150 million private sector investment into the area, creating 39 new, permanent green sector jobs and indirect benefits to the local economy.



temporary jobs
over a 36-month
construction period

An estimated


permanent green jobs
once the facilities
become operational

The area will


from significant
contributions in business
rates each year

Get in touch

We welcome your comments prior to a planning application being submitted please complete our comment form below. You can also contact the team by email click here

If you wish to complete our questionnaire it can be downloaded here